Ein Baum und seine Abenteuer


Auswanderung, Einwanderung, Migration ist ja momentan ein großes Thema in den Nachrichten. Da meist in Zusammenhang mit Flüchtlingen, meine Migration ist heute von wesentlich weniger Leid geprägt. Ich Migriere von Wordpress zu Hexo und wechsele somit das Blogging-System.

Motivation dahinter ist auch nicht, dass Wordpress mich politisch unterdrückt, sondern das es einfach nicht so gut zu dem passt, was ich tue wie Hexo. Tatsächlich habe ich mich mit dem Thema Blog beschäftigt, da mir in letzter Zeit öfter wieder Ideen für Posts kommen.

Dies ist also mehr eine heads-up. Effektiv könnte es bedeuten, dass ältere Posts teilweise komisch aussehen und das Design sich heute und wohl in nächster Zeit noch einmal ändern wird.


Portrait picture of Hendrik

I am a JavaScript and GenAI Enthusiast; developer for the fun of it!
Here I write about webdev, technology, personal thoughts and anything I finds interesting.

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Deploy a hexo blog from Github using Travis

Read on 😉
Read on 😉

Straightening a lot of things out at the moment I got stuck with my blog.

This should be about the fourth blog I have run in my life. And so far the longest standing one. Mainly thanks to my stay in China. And it has gone through multiple stops so far.

First it was a wordpress powered blog hosted on my webspace at der-grüne-baum.net. That rapidly turned into a maintenance nightmare of "Wordpress needs a security update". So in September of 2015 I took a look around for alternatives and found Hexo. A Node based static blog generator. Technology wise totally my thing and static means pure HTML files without so much security stuff going on. So I switched to Hexo at first uploading by hand via FTP. Last year while I stayed in China the manual upload didn't work so great anymore. The connection just didn't take it. So I moved my blog to GitLab. They had native support for Hexo based sites. I never managed to get the domain moved to there however. So now in 2017 I set out to go for the new domain hoverbaum.net and have it there.

Running a blog in China

Chinas great wall didn't cause me trouble but the great firewall did.
Chinas great wall didn't cause me trouble but the great firewall did.

Reader of my adventures in China beware! This post is in English and will get technical. You have been warned.

Turns out running a blog in China is not the easiest thing. Well actually running a blog in itself is quite some work but that is a different topic.

Holiday greetings with GenAI

Festive Greetings - ChatGPT and Midjourney
Festive Greetings - ChatGPT and Midjourney

Happy Holidays and festive greetings, powered by ChatGPT, Midjourney and a little bit of Photoshop.

Utilizing my Custom GPT for Midjourney prompts (open source on GitHub), I generated the image and some subtle variations in three rounds. Finally touching it up with a tagline in Photopea.