Ein Baum und seine Abenteuer

# DevOps

Go based proxies for developing mobile websites on corporate WiFis

When networks become a show stopped for development.
When networks become a show stopped for development.

You might know this scenario:

We would really love to debug the web-app on an actual phone but they way our corporations WiFi is set up just won't allow it…

If you do, stay tuned because in this blog post we will examine how we as developers can handle tightly secured WiFi Networks and still get all the connectivity we need.

Dockerizing modern web apps

These days everything is shipped in containers, even software.
These days everything is shipped in containers, even software.

Most websites these days are Single Page Applications (SPA for short) where a single entry file handles all routes that a user might visit. Swept up in the ongoing trend of hosting in the cloud you might find yourself needing to “dockerize” your SPA. That is to say wrap it inside a Docker image and run it as a container.

Where to go next