# devbaum
Utilizing ESLint rules to format JavaScript in VS Code

Today we will take a quick look at how to configure VS Code to automatically format your code according to your ESLint rules every time you save a file.
This assumes that you already have some ESLint rules in place. If not the airbnb rules are a good place to get you started.
Automate click-through testing with Puppeteer

Testing is one of the essential steps in software development. Yet, testing and especially manual testing that clicks through the application is a tedious job that we often shy away from. But it doesn't have to be. With great tooling coming out over the past couple of years we now have what it takes to automate click-through testing in our build process. In this post, we will look at why manual or click-through tests are important and how to turn this tedious and bothersome task into a fun one that drives our development forward.